Sunday, January 24, 2010

Behind the Scenes With Avater

1. Production: What challenges did James Cameron have in realizing his dreams?
Cameron had to put all the themes together that it connects in today's world and actually have some importance in his themes. He had to create a storyline that was both beautiful and original. The genre's of his movie is action, adventure, and fantasy, not sci-fi. He tried to make the animation look as real as possible so reality and fiction will be blend in together until you can not distinguish what is real and fiction. In my opinion, the greatest challenge in creating this movie is the creation of everything-Pandora, Na'vi, animals, etc. It must have took alot of imagination and time to create such a beautiful setting and creation that doesn't even exist. Most importantly, he has to make the world of Pandora as real as possible which is a step above the challenge of just creating the images of Pandora. He has to make the facial expressions match with the real facial charateristics of the actors by developing the new revolutionary technology. The high resolution takes the film into another level of what is reality and what is fiction and makes the film more beautiful.

2. Creating the Virtual World: What was the process used in creating Pandora?
The process used in creating Pandora was imagination turned into a film. It was James Cameron's imagination and vision of the film and actually creating it. The imagination created everything on Pandora from the Navi to the nature to the animals. It made the most vicious animals into a beautiful pure things at times.
Also, the imagination can turn into a possible reality since they used the closest solar system and the advancement of the technology during that time. Using the themes and the comparison of human nature, Pandora is pure, beautiful, innocent, respect, and connection with life itself, unlike earth, humans are dying and selfishness and greed is portrayed to save human race. Pandora is seen as a symbol of hope to humans.

3. Performance Capture vs. Motion Capture: How has performance capture changed the film making process?

Motion capture only captures the actors motion and the animator creates the rest of the film with the actor's doing a voice over. Performance capture is when the actor's facial expression, actions, everything that the actor does is captured and is making the film in the process of the actors acting out their roles. The actors actually have to act so it makes the performance more real. They have to capture the performances and it gets translated into a digital character. The true human emotions is captured and acted out by non human characters. It captures the talent and intend of actors in high definition.

4. a) How much money is spent on marketing for this film?

The amount of money spend in both making and marketing is a total of $400 million with $150 million spent solely on marketing.

b) What challenges does News Corp face in realizing profits?

News Corp spent alot of money into the creation of Avater. It was risky because if the first week audiences felt like the movie didn't wow them, the movie would've flopped. Also, investors help the production budget of 60% so if the movie flopped, News Corp would owe alot of money and the company is going to be a major wreck.

c) In your opinion, does the massive budget spent on the film effect the authenticity of its message?

In my opinion, I believe the production budget is spent mostly on the new revolutionary technology that it has limitations towards the film's storyline. The storyline was safe which minimizes the chances of the movie flop, but it also minimizes the chance of producing a more risky, but perhaps better storyline for the film so it limited the potentials of a great story.

5. Socio-Cultural Impact:

The movie in my opinion, is green and an anti-war movie. It defines the characteristics of the world right now and it connects back to the real world. The humans are in Pandora to get unobtainium and the greed for wealth is showed when they will destroy the Na'vi's home for that wealth. The movie does remind humans what is the right thing to do so we can avoid the wrong thing to do but it does not show underlying financial bankrupcy because i do not think our world is in this stage yet. Perhaps in the future but for now, the statement is over the top.

I did not notice any racial context in the movie and i believe the movie wasn't intended to have racial context. The Na'vis are seen as one race and the human as another, but the meaning of the movie is that taking something (unobtainium) that doesn't belong to you is destinied to have a battle between the two races. When the Colonel told Jake that he is betraying his own race, I believe Jake is doing something in the right because the Americans are in the wrong here, taking something that doesn't belong to them and destroying the enviornment in the meantime. Although the actors who are Na'vi's are black, but because they are in a form of avaters, you do not know whether they are black or other races nor you would care for much about who is playing the Na'vis.

The plot of the story though, is not original and unique. It's used and recycled during many movies. The only difference is that the story takes place in a different world (pandora) and the people are Na'vis that are fighting against the whites instead of a different human race fighting against the whites. While reading the Pocahontas movie summary, Avater does indeed sound like Pocahantas.

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