Thursday, November 18, 2010


Purpose: Aspiring people making it into the fashion industry either modeling, photographing, designing, etc. Those different sections talk about their passion which gives an insider look into this industry and what it's really like.
Contacts: My friends for modeling the different clothing style, some of them trying to make it into this industry, etc. Perhaps even go to an art institute and ask some people if they want to be interviewed.
Interview Questions:
What is the fashion industry?
Why did you want to get into this industry?
What is your biggest inspiration?
What do you have to offer to this industry?
What is the biggest challenge?
How did you think this industry worked before you got into it? And after?
Describe your journey trying or if you already made it into this industry. (what is it like?)
What is your favorite part about the industry?
In the end, do you think it will be worthwhile?
What are your dreams into making into this industry?
What is important to achieve that status in this industry?

General Flow:

Begins with the models modeling several styles of clothing. Footage about the different sections in this industry beginning with the designer. Narration of talking about their passion, idea, and own personal touch. B-roll of someone drawing a design or looking for inspirations of what they're trying to create. Then, slowly reveal who the person is and cut to interview with the person answering some of the questions. Next, footage of a person making their clothes (cutting, sewing, decorating) while the person is talking about the industry. Then cut to interview. The next footage is going to be about the model and what is their role in the industry and then interviews of them. Lastly, the photographer talks about their contribution and interview. The b-roll and interview will inter-cut to show what the interviewers are talking about. Then, the different sections will come together sharing the screen while all of them are answering the same question that shows the differences and similarities in those sections.

Shot List-

Fashion show, photograpgher taking pictures, models posing, designer drawing of a rough sketch of a clothing or outfit, the seamtress putting together the clothes.

The shots of the interviewers with close-ups, and waist shots mostly.

Scripts: Combination of what the interviewers will say. There will so definite script.

Intro: Different people with different style of clothing walking and posing. The models show off their different styles: chic, punk, feminine, urban, professional (suits), true prep, etc. Speed up the walking but when they pose, back to normal speed.

Closing: Same as intro but with close ups on the different clothing articles that make up the style. Using pan, zoom, and tilt.


  1. I can tell you are really passionate about this topic! That passion is really good, but you need to focus a lot more on the specifics of what exactly in the industry you want to cover, like the models or the designers specifically or something like that, for otherwise it may become too broad. Also, you have a lot of questions that might tire out the interviewee, so you may want to curtail those a bit; they don't seem super repetitive, but it might serve you well to get rid of the ones you find least interesting or important. I like the idea that you have on the opening, but maybe a long shot with a somewhat slow-mo once they stop to pose and maybe an axis match to a close up on the model as she is turning back down the runway.

  2. I agree with Jasmine to focus more on the specifics and not let it be too broad or the models/photographers ect will maybe say too much things you don't need in the interview question. I reall like this topic though its really interesting and i think it should be easy to gain the audience's attention because it already got mine! the b-roll for this should be fun to shoot with all the variety you have! I also agree with Jasmine on the part with the questions being too repetitive, combine them or pick a good set of questions not too much!
