Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First Blog Assignment-Story

This short film is a suspense, horror, and drama. In the ending of the film, the genre becomes drama as you figure out what the real story instead of the one that you had in mind. It starts out with an vacant farm area or town with a crow, who is the spectator. The crow is seen throughout the film as it symbolizes death and the crow's sound adds more suspense to the story. The short film does not have alot of words in conversations, in fact, it has almost none. Since the film does not have any narrator, I had to fill in the missing gap between the narrator part and the story. The film does not give a clear motive at first and I mistook some of the information in the beginning because of the sound of the crow and the suspense of the music. I really had to watch the entire film to understand what the story is about. The story tells itself by the soundtrack music, setting, and what the man is doing. The man, who at first gave an impression of an evil man, is the implied narrator. He is also the main character who most of the shots are focused on. The time presented is chronologically. In the ending, the whole idea of a horror film is shattered. It is actually a film about the miracle of life. I recommend this film because of the interesting and surprising ending! =]


  1. Very nice choice.
    This director has a really weird view of life doesn't he?
    Most of what you way is true and accurate, but what if the crow could be the implied narrator? Instead of the farmer being the narrator who knows what's going on and who would let us know from the start, maybe the crow could be telling us as he sees it. The crow thinks a murder is happening because thats all he sees but then later it is revealed to him that it was simply childbirth.
    Also, very good interpretation of how suspense adds to the story. in fact, you could go further by saying that when we are first introduced to the title "Lovefield," and we begin to see all the items that make it look like murder, we think that "Lovefield" is some sick and ironic title meant to shock us. But as the story is revealed, we realize the true meaning of the title and our anxiety created by the suspense is dissipated by the gentler side of our human nature.

  2. I like your interpretation of the suspense and how it affects the story. This was a good short film to analyze; your analysis was mostly what I thought when I watched it.

  3. It was definitely a very interesting movie. The ending is completely different from what the viewer expects, and it works considerably well. Also the crying makes the viewer think that something horrific has happened; not that a baby is crying. The beeping phone appears to play in to the 'murder scene' concept until the truth is realized as the phone was probably used to call someone for advice on how to give birth and pull out the baby. Very interesting choice of movie.
