Monday, September 27, 2010

Short Film Treatment- Romantic Comedy/Magical Realism

Cupids do exist in everyday life perhaps as shown in the story of Mary.

Sunset in the background. A view of an open grass field. Music playing in the background coming closer and closer. A couple holding hands while walking. Slowly goes up to reveal the back of their heads and show them laughing and starts running off into the sunset. Narration starts: "I know you guys stop believing in fairy godmothers but here's a story worth remembering that might put your faith in them again". Rewind the whole story to back to where and how it began. "Once upon a time there was a girl, i mean young adult named Mary. Mary is in her teenage years and so far, has no luck in finding love". Mary (dark dressed, bad rebel look) is at bus stop with her hands on her cheeks and sighs loudly. The bus comes and Mary gets on. Mary is sitting with a spacing out look and a bit of a sad face and little boy gets on and sits next to her. He says "Rough day? What's your story" Mary says "yeah..a guy i like rejected me...again. You?" He says " I still can't do an olley on a skateboard and fell in front of the whole skatepark..again." Mary chuckles and scoffs at the loser kid. Mary says "That's preschool status for me". The boy looks confused and shocked. A pause between the two as an awkward silence filled the time. Narrator: "Yes...indeed an awkward silience filled the air but little did Mary know the little boy is going to do something to help her." Bus stops, they get off. Mary notices the little strange boy is following her but she continues to walk along. Everytime Mary looks back, the little boy looks away to the streets or stores. Finally, Mary says to the boy, " Beat it kid, i'm not in the mood right now" with a mean and nasty look. The boy say "Your perfect! Come with me!". The little boy drags Mary and starts running. Mary is shocked and starts exclaiming "What are you doing?! Let go of me little boy!" The little boy drags her to a skate park to meet his skate friends who are all older and makes fun of the little boy. He says she's my girlfriend and she can skate better than all you guys" He blows a raspberry like a immature little kid. Pause on the kid's face blowing a raspberry. Narrator: "Will Mary choose to embarass the kid even more by saying shes not or pretend she is?" Mary's reaction was initially shocked and was already turning around slowly but stops in her tracks and sighs quietly to herself and says "Yeah hes my boyfriend" with a big fake smile on her face. The little boy gains respect among his peers as Mary skates around. The little boy tells Mary "Thanks Mary" Mary says "Anytime little one" and smiles. Narration: "Mary feels delighted to be helpful although she did lie" Mary is walking out of the park and sees a guy come up to her asking if she is the little boy's fake girlfriend. Mary responds yes. The guy says that he promised the little boy to go out on a date with you if you said yes for lying about the girlfriend part and says that the little boy played cupid between him and Mary. Mary smiles and finally finds a guy that likes her.

1 comment:

  1. its an interesting story. but i dont see the romantic comedy part in it. sure its funny how she gets ddragged into this situation but the comedy doesnt come from the relationship between her and her love interest. also, space out your treatment. its very hard to read this way. i'd completely scratch the godmother idea too. it doesnt have a place in this story unless you make some changes. if you're trying to go the do-gooder route, i would focus less on the the romantic side because then your audience won't get confused and think you're doing a romantic comedy.
