Monday, September 13, 2010

Amelie Textual Analysis

1. Color
The use of color correcting in this film is significant because it brings out surreal, magical world. The colors that are most frequently used is yellow, which is shown in most shots as tinted yellow. The red is often used in the background objects which helps contrast the background from the midground. Also, there is the use of green and some use of blue to bring out the foreground and midground. In almost every shot, you can notice the different colors because they stand out boldly. The colors are also used to make the scenes beautiful and stand out in every way by making the colors more vivid to the audiences along with great compositions. The use of color is art in this movie.

2. Motion
There is a lot of motion that is used in this movie. Most noticeably is dollying, panning, and tilting. The use of those motions create a sense of seriousness in dramatic situations, comedy, and when the characters realize something or perhaps saw something that caught their eyes. There is also use of still motions. In the movie, the still motions is usually used to represent Amelie's and Nino's relationship developing. Also, still motion is used to show change like in the beginning, they used the image of the teddy bear and plants to show the passing of time and therefore, change with time.

3. Narration

There isn't a lot of dialogue in this film because some were expressed through the use of expressions and actions so there isn't much to be spoken about. The narration serves as a purpose of introducing the characters. In the beginning of the film, the narration tells the audience all the quirky little things about each character. The little things the narrator tells shows the unique side of the characters which draws the audience more into the movie and characters.

4. Use of animated objects

By using the animated objects who were inanimate before shows the fantasy and surreal world in which Amelie is surrounded in. It blends in reality and fantasy which creates magical realism. Along with narration, the movie is realistic but in an odd fantasy way. The everyday "normal" routine for Amelie is a mixed of both fantasy and reality because playing doctor is something a little kid would do but with an toy alligator makes the movie more of a fantasy.


  1. Would you say that the dialogue picks up a lot more in the middle and towards the end of the movie? To me, it seems like it does. Is that because the director wanted to connect the dialogue and the narration by spending a lot of time narrating at the beginning and more dialogue in the middle? I have to admit, I do agree that the color and camera movement are very interesting and are signature of the movie; there is also a lot of motion just in general, showing that the plot still is moved forward more by actions than dialogue.

  2. I agree with Jasmine, the dialogue does pick up in the middle of the movie until the end of the film. When you used motion as a stylistic device, I don't think it really is just for this film because in every film there is motion. That is why people made films is to get a story across without just using dialogue right? But in this film, in certain scenes, like the one in the shop when Amelie and Nino are looking at each other, there was really no movement of the camera. What do you think that symbolizes?

  3. I see where you're getting at when you discuss the color correction, because Yellow and Red are pretty significant colors in the color scheme of Amelie. And the transition from yellow to green is pretty significant, as you point out, which contributes to the surreal world Jeunet creates. I was also drawn to the unique motion in the film, and how there is a lot of panning and establishing shots of the city of France as a whole. The animated objects did contribute to the magical realism but i felt it was a little bit odd that it was only in the beginning, during her childhood, and not coorperated at all when shes an adult. But maybe its just to emphasis her lonliness and creativity as a child growing up. Good commentary :] sparks a lot of thoughts
