Thursday, October 22, 2009


I. " Right back At You" by Crystal Ding

II. Neo-noir

III. Dead guy's girlfriend tells his best friend which is her brother to find out what really happened and ends up fatal.

IV. Black scene, 2 gun shots, woman screaming and panicking. Lady: AHHHH! NO No no! (Crying)
Blurring, no focus, dark area
with sirens red light spinning and siren sound. Slowly white light comes in and takes over the whole screen.

Slowly fades into focus, shows a room that belongs to a teenager around the age of 20. Alt. rock music is playing in the background. The guy is lazily laying on his bed throwing darts into the dark board on the ceiling. Then the phone rings which is on his table. He gets up with a feeling of laziness and confort in his bed. He looks at the phone and it says withheld. He decides to pick it up slowly. A long pause and he says hello? Who is this? The person on the other phone reveals to be a girl about the same age and she says its Jen. Long intense silence pause. Stops the music. He says, you ok sis? you know...about yesterday's incident? I'm deeply sor---- Girl interupts says Wait, theres something that you should know about that night, can we meet up somewhere? He says, is it about ryan? She says yeah meet me at the back. Hangs up, guy gets extremly worried.

7:00 Back of a store, small empty lot, car belongs to girl on the other side. Guy enters the scene with a heavy black jacket and dark hat and dark pants and dark shoes. Girl steps out of her car and runs towards him and hugs him. She starts talking, remember Jacob who died because of a hit and run? Well, thing is, Ryan told me he was going to meet Jacobs that night. I dont know why but he never came home that night or the next day and I couldn't reach him. Then...that incident happened. Just thought u should know that since he's your best friend and i really thought me and him are gonna have a future together. A sincere worried smile she makes. She says: find out what happened that night please. Her phone rings and she quickly gets in the car and leaves while talking on the phone. Camera follows her car when she exits.

He starts walking around, street lamps, low key, and dark and cold chilling night. He walks towards a shady looking door and steps on something. It looks like a hair clip from the girl's hair. He picks up the clip and walks in the door. 3 men talking and making jokes and stops aruptly before he walks into the room. He says Jacob...what did he want with Ryan? One man stands up and says You have no right to be here. Get out! The guy reaches for something in his pockets and pulls out a gun and says: Talk or you never get to talk ever again. The man says Alright alright, keep your cool man...(with hands in the air and backing away) Jacab blackmailed Ryan with some evidence or some shit so they can be partners again. Jacobs wanted to run over you to get the insurance money. Who knows, maybe Ryan ran Jacob over but someones obviously is pulling the strings cause Ryan's dead now and someone took out a whole bunch of insurance money and emptied his bank clean. The guy says: Yeah and you guys are the ones behind it. Where's jen? He throws out the hair clip. Jen comes out from behind the shadows with a gun and surprises him and says: Right here Damian. And shoots him with the screen going back and replays the intro.

1 comment:

  1. this is a really good example of film noir, and the plot is pretty intense but i found it a little confusing to follow throuhg. i like the idea of the opening scene and the transitioning into the scene of the guy in his room. i also like the ending and how it is the same as the into, it gives a very eerie and film noir feel to it
